

Bibliography of Jon's Papers

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Jones, G. R., Coe, J. C., and Paulson, D. R. 1976. Woodland Park Zoo: “Long-Range Plan, Development Guidelines and Exhibit Scenarios”, Jones & Jones for Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation. Reissued: Coe, J.C. 2004. Woodland Park Zoo Long-Range Physical Development Plan. CLRdesign. Available from Woodland Park Zoo

Coe, Jon C. , 1980. “The Waterfowl Exhibit at Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle” in International Zoo Yearbook, 20:282-286.

Coe, Jon. C., 1982. “Bringing It All Together: Integration of Context, Content and Message In Zoo Exhibit Design” in AAZPA 1982 Annual Conference Proceedings, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, pp. 268- 274. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1982. “The Coe-Jones Rules for Immersion Exhibit Design” self-published

Coe, Jon C., 1984.  “Pittsburgh’s New Zoo: A Wilderness Walk” in Place, The Magazine of Livability (April 1984) Vol. 4, No. 4.

Coe, Jon C., 1983. “A Greensward for Gorillas” in AAZPA 1983 Annual Conference, Wheeling, WV, pp 117-121.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C. & Maple, Terry L., 1984. “Approaching Eden: A Behavioral Basis for Great Ape Exhibits” (PDF file 1.84mb) in AAZPA 1984 Annual Conference Proceedings, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, pp. 117-128. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1984. “Self-Help Design”, unpublished lecture. (Published 2006)  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1985. “Design and Perception: Making the Zoo Experience Real” in Zoo Biology, vol. 4 no. 2, pp. 197-208.

Coe, Jon C., 1986. “The African Savannah Exhibit at Woodland Park Zoo” in International Zoo Yearbook, 24/25: 332-339.

Coe, Jon C., 1986. “The African Savanna Exhibit at Woodland Park Zoo” in International Zoo Yearbook, 24/25: 332-339.

Coe, Jon C., 1986.  “Towards A Co-evolution of Zoos, Aquariums and Natural History Museums” in AAZPA 1986 Annual Conference Proceedings, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, pp. 366-376.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1987. “What’s The Message? Exhibit Design for Education” in AAZPA 1987 Regional Conference Proceedings, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, pp. 19-23. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., Maple, Terry L., 1987.  “In Search of Eden – A Brief History of Great Ape Exhibits” in AAZPA 1987 Annual Conference Proceedings, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, pp. 628-638.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1988. “How Should We Manage the New Exhibit Technology? ‘Soft’ Technology” in AAZPA 1988 Annual Conference Proceedings, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Wheeling, WV, pp. 51-58.

Coe, Jon C., 1989.  “Naturalizing Habitats for Captive Primates” in Zoo Biology, vol. 8, no. S1pp. 117-125.

Coe, J. C., 1989. “The Genesis of Habitat Immersion in Gorilla ExhibitsWoodland Park Zoological Garden & Zoo Atlanta, 1978-88. (Published 2006  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1989. “Children’s Drawings May Make Good Evaluation Tools for Zoo Exhibits” in Visitor Studies 1988: Theory, Research and Practice, S. Bitgood, J. Roper, A. Benefield, Eds. Center for Social Design, P. O. Box 1111, Jacksonville, Alabama 36265. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1989. “Exotic Wood or Tropical Forests: Can We Have Both?” in Philadelphia Inquirer, July 1989.

Coe, Jon C., 1991. “An Integrative Process for Exhibit Design” in Journal of Museum EducationAbstract

Coe, Jon C., 1992.  “Advances in Facility Design for Great Apes in Zoological Gardens” in Chimpanzee Conservation and Public Health, J. Erwin, John C. Landon, eds., 1992 Diagnon Corporation/ Bioqual, Inc., Rockville, Maryland, pp. 95-102.

Coe, Jon C., 1992. “Animal Training and Facility Design – A Collaborative Approach”, Perspectives on Training in the Zoo — Great Challenges, Profound Benefits, 1992 AAZPA National Convention Proceedings, Toronto, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Bethesda, MD, pp. 411-414. Abstract 

Coe, Jon C., 1992. “Plan Ahead for Behavioral Enrichment” in Environmental Enrichment Kaleidoscope: Research, Management and Design, 1992 AAZPA National Convention, Toronto, American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Bethesda, MD, pp. 120-123. Abstract 

Coe, Jon C., 1992.  “Design and Implementation of a Captive Environment”

Coe, Jon C., 1993. “Environmental Enrichment and Facility Design – Making It Work” for First Conference on Environmental Enrichment, Portland, OR (Lecture). (Published 2006 Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1994.  “Orangutan Housing and Exhibition: Recent Trends” in proceedings of The International Conference on Orangutans: The Neglected Ape. J. Ogden, L. Perkins, L. Sheeran, Eds., California State University, Fullerton, CA.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1994. “Landscape Immersion – Origins and Concepts” in “Landscape Immersion Exhibits: How Are They Proving as Educational Settings?” J. Coe, Moderator, 1994 AZA Convention Proceedings, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1995.  “Giving Laboratory Animals Choices” in Lab Animal Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 7:41-42.

Coe, J. C., Lindburg, D. G., 1995. “Ark Design Update: Primate Needs and Requirements” in Conservation of Endangered Species in Captivity, An Interdisciplinary Approach, Gibbons, E. F., Durrant, B. S., Demarest, J., Eds., State University of New York Press, pp. 445-57.

Coe, J. C., LaRue, M., 1995.  “Orangutan Facility Design, Future Direction and Today’s Choices” in Orangutan Husbandry Manual, Orangutan Species Survival Plan, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.

Coe, Jon C., 1995. “Zoo Animal Rotation: New Opportunities from Home Range to Habitat Theater” in AZA Annual Proceedings 1995, Wheeling, WV, pp. 77-80. Abstract

Coe, J. C., LaRue, M., 1995.  “Orangutan Facility Design, Future Direction and Today’s Choices” in Orangutan Husbandry Manual, Orangutan Species Survival Plan, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.

Coe, J. C., Lindburg, D. G., 1995. “Ark Design Update: Primate Needs and Requirements” in Conservation of Endangered Species in Captivity, An Interdisciplinary Approach, Gibbons, E. F., Durrant, B. S., Demarest, J., Eds., State University of New York Press, pp. 445-57.

Coe, Jon C., 1995.  “The Evolution of Zoo Animal Exhibits” in The Ark Evolving, Zoos and Aquariums in Transition.   Wimmer, C.M., Editor.   Smithsonian Institution Conservation and Research Center, Front Royal, Virginia, pp. 95-128.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1996.  “What’s the Message?   Education Through Exhibit Design” in Wild Mammals in Captivity Principles and Techniques, Chapter 16.   D. Kleinman, M. Allen, K. Thompson, S. Lumpkin, H. Harris, Eds. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL.

Coe, Jon C., 1996.   “One Hundred Years of Evolution in Great Ape Facilities in American Zoos” in Proceedings of The AZA 1995 Western Regional Conference, Denver, CO, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1996. “Future Fusion: The Twenty-First Century Zoo” in Keepers of the Kingdom, M. Nichols, Thomasson-Grant & Lickle, Charlottesville, VA.

Coe, Jon C., 1997.   “Entertaining Zoo Visitors and Zoo Animals: An Integrated Approach” in 1997 AZA Convention Proceedings, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD, pp. 156-162.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1998.  “Chimpanzee Choices”, Keynote Address, Chimpanzoo Conference Proceedings, Jane Goodall Institute, Vol. 1, pp. 17-18.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., Beattie, Ted, 1998. “Twenty-First Century Management Systems For Twenty-First Century Zoo Exhibits” in 1998 AZA Convention Proceedings, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Bethesda, MD.    Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1999.   “Increasing Affiliative Behavior between Zoo Animals and Zoo Visitors” in 1999 AZA Convention Proceedings, American Zoo and Aquarium Association, Silver Spring, MD, pp. 216-220.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 1999.   “An Integrated Approach to Design: How Zoo Staff Can Get the Best Results from New Facilities, in First Annual Rhino Keeper Workshop, Disney’s Wild Animal Kingdom, Orlando, FL, May 7-8, 1999.  Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 2001. “Zoo Planning & Design” in Encyclopedia of the World’s Zoos, C. Bell, Ed., Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago.

Coe, Jon C., 2001.   “Multi-Species Exhibits” in Encyclopedia of the World’s Zoos, C. Bell, Ed., Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, Chicago.

Coe, Jon C., 2001. “Activity-Based Design and Management: New Opportunities for Apes and People” in The Apes: Challenges for the 21st Century, C. Sodaro, Ed., Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois.

Coe, Jon C., 2001.  “Chimpanzee Facility Design” in The Care and Management of Captive Chimpanzees, L. Brent, Ed., American Society of Primatologists, San Antonio, Texas.

Coe, Jon C., 2003.  “Advances In The Design of Great Ape Facilities For Animal Well-Being” in Proceedings of SAGA Symposium, Tokyo, (Lecture).

Coe, Jon C., 2003. “Landscape Immersion Exhibits & Beyond” in Proceedings of SAGA Symposium, Tokyo (Lecture).

Coe, Jon C., 2003. “A Foggy Journey

Coe, Jon C., 2003.   “Steering the Ark Toward Eden: Facility Design for Animal Well-Being”, Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Oct, Vol. 223, No. 7:977-980.

Coe, Jon C., 2004. “Mixed Species Rotation Exhibits”, 2004 ARAZPA Conference Proceedings, Australia, on CD. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 2004.  “Victoria’s Open Range Zoo – Good Work in Progress” in Landscape Australia, Canberra, ACT. 26:103, pp 38-43.

Coe, J.C. 2004.  “Woodland Park Zoo Long-Range Physical Development Plan”. CLRdesign for Seattle Department of Parks and Recreation.  Available from Woodland Park Zoo.

Coe, Jon C. and Mendez, Ray, 2005. “The Unzoo Alternative” , 2005 ARAZPA Conference Proceedings, Australia, on CD. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 2005. “Plan Ahead: A Short Overview of the Planning Process”Abstract 

Coe, J.C., 2006 (originally written in 1996 and updated in 2006), “Career Opportunities in Zoo Design”.    Abstract

Coe, Jon, 2006. “Zoo Master Planning: Definitions and Processes

Coe, Jon, 2006. “Naturalistic Enrichment”  2006 ARAZPA Conference Proceedings, Australia, on CD and at Abstract

Coe, Jon C., 2006.   “Why are We Here and Where are We Going?”.  Abstract

Coe, Jon, 2007. “Deep Green Design for Zoos and Aquariums” EAZA News, European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, Vol 57, pp 16-17or on the EAZA website. Abstract

Coe, Jon, 2007.  “Zoo 2027 and the Monkeys Run the Monkey House” 2007 ARAZPA Conference Proceedings, Australia.  Abstract

Coe, Jon, 2009. “Collaborative Enrichment” 9th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment. Abstract

Coe, Jon, 2009. “Third Generation Conservation” 2009 ARAZPA Conference Proceedings, Australia. Abstract

Coe, Jon C., Scott, Dwight, Lukas, Kristen, 2009.   “Facility Design for Captive Multi-male and Bachelor Gorilla Groups” in Zoo Biology, Volume 28, Number 2 (March/April issue) pages 144-162. Abstract.

Coe, Jon, 2011. “Architects and Enrichment” 10th International Conference on Environmental Enrichment. Abstract

Coe, Jon, 2011, “Zoo Environments for People, Plants and Animals”  Designing Enclosures and Landscape Planning for Indian Zoos Workshop for Indian Zoo Directors.

Coe, Jon, 2012. “Design and Architecture: Third Generation Conservation, Post-Immersion and Beyond ” (“Future of Zoos) Future of Zoos Symposium, 10-11 February 2012.  See the video of presentation on YouTube.

Coe, Jon, 2014. “Next Generation Rotation Exhibits – Raceway Networks and Space to Explore ” Zoo and Aquarium Association Annual Conference, 25-28 March 2014, Auckland NZ

Coe, J, 2015, “What’s the Next Generation Zoo? And Who’s Even Asking This Question?, Unpublished, Philadelphia Zoo Gala Talk, 2 November 2015.

Coe, Jon 2017, “Embedding Environmental Enrichment into Zoo Animal Facility Design”, Wroclaw Zoo Design Conference.

Coe, J., Rowe, R., Sherwen, S. 2017. “Animal welfare driving the zoo design process: Tools and examples from Zoo’s Victoria. Wroclaw Zoo Design Conference, en press.

Coe, Jon, 2018.  “WORZ Asian Elephant Facilities and Management Study” for Werribee Open Range Zoo

Coe, Jon, 2019. “Recent Zoo Trends”, presentation for Zoological Society of London

Coe, Jon C., 2020. “A Look at the Design Process

Coe, J, 2020 “Stakeholders Bill of Rights

Coe, Jon C, Hoy, Julia, 2020, “Choice, Control and Computers: Empowering Wildlife in Human Care, Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 2020, 4, 92

Coe, J. 2020. Community-Based Eco-Planning in High Dry Regions-Part 1. Landscape Architecture Journal – India

Coe, J. 2021. Community-Based Eco-Planning in High Dry Regions-Part 2. Landscape Architecture Journal – India

 Webber, Sarah, Cobb, Mia L and Coe, Jon, 2022, “Welfare Through Competence: A Framework for Animal-Centric Technology Design“, Frontiers in Veterinary Science, Section Animal Behavior and Welfare, 30 June 2022

Brando, Sabrina,  Coe, Jon, 2022, “Confronting Back-of-House Traditions: Primates as a Case Study“,  Journal of Biological and Botanical Gardens,  2022, 3, 366–397.   Abstract

Coe, J. 2023. The Unzoo Sanctuary, A Case-Study (PDF with complete notes) Taipei Zoo Planning and Design Conference.

Coe, J. 2024. Facility Design for Disabled and Aging Wild Animals, Chapter 6 in Optimal Welfare of Aging Wild Animals in Human Care, Brando, S. & Chapman, S. editors. Springer Nature.  Abstract