Apr 11, 2022 | zoo
Aspirational sketch by Jon proposing ‘soft’ primate enclosures and activity hubs to replace ’hard’ square concrete off-exhibit holding areas commonly used in modern zoos. 2020: Jon collaborated with animal welfare and training expert Sabrina Brando on a lengthy paper...Apr 11, 2022 | zoo
2020: Jon co-authored with Dr Julia Hoy a paper titled Choice, Control and Computers: Empowering Wildlife in Human Care. This is available in a special issue of Multimodal Technologies and Interaction titled Animal Centred Computing: Enriching the lives of animals...
Oct 6, 2021 | zoo
Jon co-facilitated an interactive vision workshop for Zoodoo Zoo in Tasmania with Australian zoo curatorial legend Graeme Phipps, hosted by owner Donna Cuttris-Smith and attended by top zoo specialist and former Phipps’ students from across Australia.
Oct 6, 2021 | zoo
Jon delivered lectures on trends in zoo design and animal wellbeing at Jacksonville Zoo and The Center for Great Apes, both in Florida, and had the honour to participate in a lengthy televised interview conducted by legendary zoo director and innovator Dr Terry Maple....
Oct 6, 2021 | zoo
2019 Jon delivered lectures on new trends in zoo animal displays and welfare at the International Conference on Environmental Enrichment in Kyoto and spoke at the Osaka Fine Arts University International Design Conference, Osaka Tennoji Zoo, Kobi Animal Kingdom and...
Oct 6, 2021 | zoo
Jon presented a TED-type talk on the future of zoos and themed attractions in the age of climate change at the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) Expo in Hong Kong. Jon’s talk was hosted by Taman Safaris Indonesia.